Books I love

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Studio Redo, part 2

In my new (PapaSan from Pier I) chair. I feel very happy.

Here is an idea I wanted to share with you. I had a stack of cigar boxes not being used. I glued a sawtooth hook on the back and voila! a display case. I did the same with a Clementine crate.

(more) Small Books and Flip Books

I wish you could all come over for an art night. Do you have any organizing ideas from your studio?


  1. I love this idea, Diana! This would be a good project to do with my 6-yr-old daughter and the many, many tiny trinkets she collects.
    I have a built-in desk in my studio, and have loads of stuff stored under it, in baskets, boxes and those plastic drawer units. I put up a kind of curtain of fabric around the edge of the desk to hide it all.


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