Hi Tracie! Let's start at the beginning. Can you pick five words to describe yourself at ten years old?
Creative, Tender Hearted, Funny (with a very dry sense of humor, even at 10), Optimistic, Smart.
Can you tell us about a project you are currently working on?
I am currently engrossed in creating nature page using paint and collage in a vintage accounting ledger inspired by Edith Holden's art.
Back to Nature Inspired, which is your favorite page spread and why?
Contents Page Spread - It is a combination of all things that I love... nature, photography, painting, collage, fibers, tea, and birds.
That is a beautiful page, Tracie. A wonderful way to start out. It pulled me right into the mood of the book.
This is my favorite image from the book. You have an excellent composition here: nice and simple and I love the use of the lace on the bird's breast.
What is your favorite piece of art (at this moment!)?Anymore, I rarely have an artwork professionally framed, but I have one particular piece displayed in a wide gold frame and double matted... that is how much I love it. The work is by Sara Lechner and is mostly made of felt, embroidery, and collage elements. The piece tells of a garden fairy and her rabbits. Sara creates brilliant ethereal works, and I feel extremely lucky to be able to own an original. This artwork takes my breath away every time I look at it.
Tell us about your studio space ...
My studio is tucked into my home. It is a cozy retreat filled with all things that are romantic and beautiful and nature related. I draw so much inspiration and comfort from this space.
Monday thru Friday, I work from 8 to 5 in my studio.... each morning is filled with computer to-do's, as I am most awake and alert in the mornings. The afternoons are spent at my work tables creating. Saturdays are used to catch-up on personal projects. I always clean house on Sundays.
What do you listen to while you are working?
I am constantly listening to my IPod. I own a wide variety of music, so it mostly depends on my mood. Some of my favorite artists are George Winston, Jewel, Imogene Heap, Hem, Dave Matthews, Enya, ColdPlay, Kate Bush, Sarah Brightman, Sting, Sarah MacLachlan, U2, and Instrumental Nature CDs.
Tea or coffee?
TEA! All the way... I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of coffee and could sit in a Starbucks for the rest of my life, entranced by the smell of coffee, but CANNOT drink the stuff.
Favorite movie/book.
LOVE Julie&Julia... I related so much with both women's struggles to find themselves.
Are you a gardener? Tell us about your neck of the woods, in the nature world.
Yes.. well, sort of. I wish I was a better gardener, but I don't seem to have the desire to really spend lots of time making myself better. I do a lot by trial and error.
Kansas has an INCREDIBLE landscape. Wichita is located close to the Oklahoma border. I actually drive to Kansas City a lot, so I am quite familiar with the terrain between Wichita and Kansas City. This landscape is called the Flint Hills. If you can image a desert, but instead of sand, it is all prairie grass, rolling hills, and big blue skies. That would be the perfect description of this area. It is awe-inspiring to see, and I have witnessed this marvelous place in all seasons. I never get tired of gazing upon it.
So the Fling Hills are the Wide Open Spaces of your your article in March Art Quilting Studios!
This article for Art Quilting Studios was inspired by the Flint Hills and my desire to capture the essence of that space.
Favorite season? Autumn... then Winter
Favorite flower? Who can choose... but if I must... probably garden roses, tulips, and big sunflowers.
I love the mix of realistic fine art painting and vintage fabrics in your work. When did this start to come together for you? Was there a moment you can isolate? I love the story about how you began to paint on muslin.
My mother-in-law and I are extremely close. She is a INCREDIBLE fiber artist. I had always been around fabric and sewing because I had two grandmothers that spent time showing me sewing techniques as a child. But it was my mother-in-law that really sparked my interest in fabric. I use fibers as just another option when considering mixed-media elements in my work.
What do you love about teaching?
I love teaching mostly because of the interaction with participants, and the excitement I feel over sharing my love of art and nature with others.
Favorite art product? Golden Heavy Matte Medium (I would probably cry like a small child, if someone tried to take it away from me.) It is the BEST GLUE EVER MADE!
Favorite technique? Painting on Muslin
Tracie, tell us what's coming up for you this year? Workshops, shows, articles ....
There is A LOT happening... I will have the incredible experience of witnessing my new fabric line debuting in the fall with Windham Fabrics, and some other exciting Licensing news coming up that I can't wait share with everyone.
I will also be teaching in Italy in September, and at Artfest, and teaching twice for International Quilt once in Chicago in April and once in Houston in Oct/Nov.
Congratulations! It is a wonderful to see your successes. Wow! a fabric line! Can't wait to see that and we'll be looking forward to hearing about that Licensing news. Thanks so much for spending time with us this week, Tracie!
It was a real pleasure talking with Tracie this week. Along with smart and talented, she's pretty funny which goes a very long way in my book. My favorite project from Nature Inspired is the Season's Journal. I love the vintage look and the binding style.
Congratulations! It is a wonderful to see your successes. Wow! a fabric line! Can't wait to see that and we'll be looking forward to hearing about that Licensing news. Thanks so much for spending time with us this week, Tracie!
It was a real pleasure talking with Tracie this week. Along with smart and talented, she's pretty funny which goes a very long way in my book. My favorite project from Nature Inspired is the Season's Journal. I love the vintage look and the binding style.
I'll be doing more interviews over the next few months. It is such fun to spotlight different artists work in-depth. Tracie interviewed me as well and that will be up on her blog tomorrow.
oooh yay give away. Thanks for taking the time to post her Q&A. I adore the winter Cardinal page - so pretty!
i NEVER thought of putting those elements together ,but it works well together. I can definitely relate to wanting to garden but ,in my case , not having the talent.Because I love flowers so much I have decided not to kill anymore!
I loved the interview.Would love to win a book..
Wish I had more time for mixed media art. I do ceramics for a living.
It's always fun to read an interview... especially when it's an artist that I have followed. Her book looks wonderful. Thanks
The cardinal has me entranced! We have them all over here in NC but rarely do we get to enjoy them with snow as a backdrop.
Looks like a fabulous book. thanks for sharing.
I like the combination of paint and fiber. This was an interesting interview and it made me curious about the book!
Love these peeks into the book - it looks wonderful.
Great interview too - interesting.
looks like a great book! thanks for the awesome interview too ;)
Loved the interview. Would love the book. Thanks for sharing.
Love, love, love the idea of a nature journal. Keeping my fingers crossed so that I may win!!!
great to read about Tracie! I have her book, and love it, and this little interview makes me want to get it out again and try some of her fab techniques.
I'm finding myself more and more drawn to the mixing of my two favorites - fabric and paper. And I so relate to the joys of the aroma of coffee while I sip my tea. Would love to own a copy of this lovely book.
I have Tracy's book and love it. It inspired me to try mixed media and I had a blast. The interview was great!
It was really interesting to read this article. I find nature inspiring but often find it hard to express that inspiration on paper, so I would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity
Love it love it love it! Please enter me in your draw!
Thank you for posting the interview and the opportunity to win such a beautiful, inspiring book!
I've had Traci's book since it came out, so I don't need to be in your drawing. Just wanted to tell her how beautiful it is. Thanks for the interview!
I hope I win this book so bad! It is so beautiful and I really want it. I keep a nature sketchbook myself and that is where my passion is. Tracie's birds are so beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity!
Tracie is wonderful! I would love to win her book - thanks for the giveaway!
so SO beautiful and equally exciting to see an artist inspired by the same midwest landscape :)
i could lose myself in those images ...
Would love to see this book irl. I may have to order a copy if I don't win one. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Aloha, Kate
Love seeing Cardinals and BlueJays! I am originally from Oklahoma and travel through Wichita every summer to visit family and friends. Thanks for entering me! Sherri
I had the absolute pleasure of taking a class with Tracie and her mil and it was fabulous. They are generous, fun, and great teachers. I was amazed at how they broke the lesson down so that I came away with a very successful painting!
Thanks for the great interview and the introduction to a new artist. I love the comment about coffee/tea!
I really like the piece at the top with the holly. Thanks for sharing.
Great interview! The book looks beautiful and one I'll add to my "must have" list.
Thanks for sharing Traci's unique vision. Would love to read the book.
Beautiful book and great interview! If I don't win it, I'll be buying it for sure! Thank you Diana for doing these interviews. It's great to get the author's perspectives on things and their processes!
Great interview! I remember Tracie's birds with lace on from a cloth paper scissors mag I've been reading through many many times. :-)
Wow, I've been thinking of ordering this book for some time now and seeing some of the pages has made me decide that I must get it. If I don't win, I must order it.
Looks like a FABULOUS book!
LOVE the interview....
Loved reading about Tracie and would love a chance to win her book. It sounds wonderful.
Great interview!
Oh you do look like sisters!!! lol
I've been eyeing this book up for ages. I love nature, and journalling so think I should just go for it and get it ordered :) Thanks for the interview, it was great reading :)
At first I wasn't going to...but I have changed my mind in the eleventh hour....I'll enter for the give-away. I just ordered Journal Spilling a few days ago...
This book sounds great too.
I miss cardinals! Great interview, And wonderful book.
Karen Byrne
Great give away! I enjoyed the interview and adore the book! I have been getting my students in middle school to journal...this book could come in handy! Thank you for the opportunity!
This is great.
I love Tracie's art work...and the combination of fabric and painting she does.
I've always been so drawn to nature...especially trees. Using and focusing on nature in any art always seems so calming. Love the giveaway! *crosses fingers*
Peace & Love,
I just love all the bird things.
I am a nature lover and especially enjoy watching the cardinals at the bird feeder. We have 3 pairs.
I would ove ot win our book.
Warm Regards
Love the interview. Love the book! Great giveaway.
What a great interview. Thanks. I really enjoyed learning more about Tracie.
I wish I had Your book. It inspires me to use my imagination
You are a wonderful artist. You have blessed me and I want to use your ideas. Thank You.
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