Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rescue Book Workshop @ Historic Rittenhousetown

It was such a pleasure to teach a workshop at this lovely historic landmark in Philadelphia last Saturday. Did you know that the very first paper mill in North America was right here on the Wissahickon? The class was held in the barn on the premises. Since this whole area is a part of the Fairmount Park system, there are hiking trails and it is full of trees and coolness. Despite the heat, we were all pretty comfortable.

My nine students were delightful, creative and brought their personal artistry to the materials available. Many techniques were covered and embraced. And the books? Well see for yourself:


Anonymous said...

I just brought your lovely book home from Barnes & Noble and I can't put it down.
I have a booth coming up at my very first art festival and I am nervous and excited. SO happy to have your book to study before that comes up!
Thank you very much for your inspiring book!

Jane LaFazio said...

what fun!