Friday, August 13, 2010

neat-o crafty links, website updates, workshops

Dear Readers, Thank you for all of your lovely comments and emails. It means a lot to me. I'm all caught up with emails at this point, so if you have not received a reply from me, Please! send again. I kinda think a couple of emails were accidentally deleted during the recent crazies. ohforheaven'ssake

I've just finished a website update, which includes descriptions of all of the workshops I'll be teaching at Journalfest and Art Is this October. I re-opened my Etsy shop today as well. (go me)

Are you are looking for something crafty to do this weekend? I've been building a list for a while. It'll be added to the Tutorials tab (below the banner). 

Washi tape twisty ties, From Zakka Life. You know how much I love that Washi tape.
Japanese Paper Dolls, from Kimono Reincarnate
Simple Paper Lanterns

Thinking ahead for cold weather, here is a pair of super simple mittens for non-knitters to make
and speaking of cold weather, these lovely Handstitched Ornaments made with scraps and a bit of embroidery would be a nice gift. Speaking of ornamentation, why not decorate your shoes, from Craftzine.

I made a bracelet using this tutorial from Mairuru. I can't say enough great things about her, her blog and her Etsy Shop.
I love this whimsical Hedgehog Pincushion, Craftzine again - a great resource.
And finally, The Chicken Pincushion



Rosemary said...

That chicken pincushion is calling my name!

Jane LaFazio said...

You are back with a huge burst of energy! you go girl!