this is big folks.
So you want to start keeping a sketchbook but every time you sit down with a book in front of you and pencil in hand you freeze up and just can’t seem to get started. I'm talkin' to you, Nudgees! More inspiration is on its way. Extreme inspiration!
So you want to start keeping a sketchbook but every time you sit down with a book in front of you and pencil in hand you freeze up and just can’t seem to get started. I'm talkin' to you, Nudgees! More inspiration is on its way. Extreme inspiration!

The sketchbook challenge is a new project launching on 1/1/2011. Follow along with us as we fill our sketchbooks based on a monthly theme that will be announced on the first of each month.
You’ll be sketching alongside:
Jill Berry
Sue Bleiweiss
Laura Cater-Woods
Jamie Fingal
Judi Hurwitt
Leslie Tucker Jenison
Lyric Kinard
Jane LaFazio
Carol Sloan
Sue Bleiweiss
Laura Cater-Woods
Jamie Fingal
Judi Hurwitt
Leslie Tucker Jenison
Lyric Kinard
Jane LaFazio
Carol Sloan
Each month we’ll announce a new theme on the sketchbook challenge blog and throughout the month we’ll be showing you images from our sketchbooks and talking about the intention and inspiration behind them. Along the way we’ll be sharing tips, techniques and tutorials. We hope that by giving you a peek inside our sketchbooks and showing you how different they all are that we’ll inspire you to start keeping a sketchbook of your own. And of course if you do, we’ll want to see some photos of your book too so we’ve designed a blog badge for you to put on your own blog to show your participation in the project. You can get instructions and the html code for your badge here.
We encourage you to post photos of your sketchbook pages on your blog and then post a link in the comment section of the Sketchbook Challenge blog so that others can look at your pages too!
And wait! There's more ! (is this sounding like an info-mericia?) ... thanks to the generosity of some terrific sponsors we’ll be doing some givewaways and special shopping offers too!
So pick up your blog badge, go grab a sketchbook, some pencils, pens, markers or paints and get ready to sketch with us!
Until then, Nudges will be as usual. Pssst ... Get your crayons and glue sticks for this week.
Until then, Nudges will be as usual. Pssst ... Get your crayons and glue sticks for this week.
Am looking forward to it!
Oh ho ho! What fun, what a challenge; and as I borrowed your 'spill' word for things I create, I'd better participate! (My poem-spills have become 'word-whispers'.)
Sounds good - I'm in!
Hah Wild Child, Spilling is not my word. It's used here in the States for stream of conscious or free writing. Use it freely (pun).
sounds great!!! Hope I get a 'day nobody knows about' from Santa this year, then I can spend one whole day a week journalling :)
I'm a total newbie to the whole sketchbook thing. What a marvelous way to keep me working at it! Maybe I'll even have to start a blog just so I can share.
Can I join this project if I have no blog? By posting to my flickr site?
This might be totally what I need to get me sketching...thanks for the inspiration to come...
This sounds fun! I think I will join in, great way to keep inspired.
Sounds great!!!
Something to look forward to in the new year. Can't wait!
This sounds fun! Can't wait to start.
Meanwhile, I'm eagerly awaiting the next nudge!
I want to join but I can't mangage to finagle the site. I can't get the Sketchbook Challenge button to go on my blog; I haven't manged to sign up because I can't figure out how. Can anyone help me?
I've got a whole pile of unfinished sketchbooks! I REFUSE to buy another until they are FULL so I'm going to do this. I've also been considering starting a blog so this might just be the place to begin, 'the sketchbook challenge' will give me purpose and meaning to start blogging and 2011 will be fascinating as I watch what unfolds in the process.
Hi Sisa, Anyone may join the challenge. You don't need anything but paper, pen and the desire! If you'd like to upload to a blog, that is fun. We have a flickr pool now as well, linked at the blog. Lurking is perfectly acceptable as always.
I am SO in!! Got my badge up, and joined the flickr pool. Whata phenomenal start to the year!
Diana it's betti from Art is you ( last day) I'm in! What a wonderful way to start the New Year! I've always need something to start me journalling! yippee! the glove is dropped!
I'm in, only hope I can figure out how to do this!
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